Friday, September 17, 2004

Ok, a digest of what happened this week.

Exacty a week since my last post and a lot of things have happened, nothing drastic but still noteworthy. Last week, I think it was Wednesday I met a girl that used to work with me at the newspaper where I did my internship. Problem was although mami was bangin, both us were in relationships at the a broytherman couldn't shit bar the occasional peep. I was never contemplating cheating on my girl but this girl was damn tight.

Fast forward about 18 months and we're on the same bus- I'm heading home while she's on her way to the movies, meeting her friend there. So we talk and I tell her about a poetry evening that a friend is organising. Girl goes gaga about it, tells me she'd like to come.

So fast forward again a week later and we're in this coffee shop listening to some good poetry. She's thanking me for letting her know about the event, we're sort of like together...not quite a date but almost.

So when its gets time for the poetry to end, she tells me she don't want to go home- Whats a brotherman to do? We ended up kissing that night, something I didn't expect, thought I could get her back to the pad and finally break her off with a piece of my magic stick, but alas...she was too drunk and I was working the next morning so like a good friend I put her in a cab and made sure that she got home. That was after an hour of talking in a deserted park about life, love and everything that stresses young adults.

I haven't spoken to her since that night.


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