Thursday, January 06, 2005

Blogging like I never blogged before...

I've been on blogger for about six months and it feels good expressing my feelings to the world or whoever just happens to stumble upon this was never meant to be read by millions...I'll just say this is my public diary, a way for other people to know whats happening in my life without having to know who I am.
Today I spent about five hours working on the story of an English hooligan who had defaced Newlands cricket staduim with racist grafitti. He was all apologetic in court but we know he don't like darkies.

Asked Cebisa out on another date, maybe this time we can enjoy ourselves at a Jazz concert. I'm really feeling her but haven't spent enough time to express my feelings. This week Tasneem told me in no uncertain ways that she and this new guy were getting serious, to the point that she sounded smug while I spoke to her on the phone. Fuck her any way.


At 8:14 pm, Blogger piscessoul said...

i've grown to love my blog. to the point where i don't know where i'd be without it. there are times when i feel 'lighter' after posting my thoughts


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