Saturday, October 16, 2004

Another week, not much dollars

The week finishes with me being more confused about life in general than at the start of this week. I thought I'd tell this girl that I liked her but the more I get too know her the more apprehensive I get about approaching her. Besides, I don't think I need a serious relationship just now.

Work was again mixed. How I manage to get up five days a week,go to work and encounter a hostile night editor suprises me. I guess it's the money.

Last night went to a party...probably not the best organised party I've been to but at least there was a cool mix of people- I don't think they numbered more than 15.

Met my friend who this week came back from Thailand, didn't say too much about the place except that it was cheap being there and the women were beautiful- I don't expect anything less fron Thailand.

Also me an interesting girl at the party last night, unfortunately she came with her boyfriend so there was no chance that we could hook-up.

This week I'm trying to do a story on carbon credits... Got a call from a former minister who's now a director of a company wanting start the sale of carbob credits...Interesting.


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