Thursday, June 22, 2006

Erratic postings

Seriously, I need to pay more attention to this blog or I might as well close down my account with the good people here at Blogger.

What's been happening?
Since the last time I bothered making a post, I've broken up with my girlfriend..the one described in this blog and started seeing someone else. Well, I thought I was seeing someone else until I got the cold shoulder from her last night when I asked whether I could see her...all I got was a tired-sounding girl trying her best to put me off. Well, I've been put off and I'm not going to chase after her.

At work things have been going from bad to worse, I can't seem to get anything right according to my's psychological warfare, I suspect they don't want to fire me but want me to quit my job. Don't think I'll give them that satisfaction.

Haven't been going to gym like I should and it's showing in my expanding's not massive but it's still alarming and could have negative effect on my pimp game.

Then there's the World Cup, I'll be honest I've not watched too many games, couldn't be bothered with all the kicking about even though I consider myself a football fan. I suppose the Champion's League this year has really spoilt I'm trying to watch it when I can...ok, later today it's Ghana vs US...should be an interesting game, this year the US is much weaker and Ghana seems to flying the flag for Africa. Just a pity South Africa could not qualify for this spectacle, one of the reasons for my apathy towards the tournament.


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