Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I feel left out

I feel like an outcast. Everyone in Cape Town has been bitching and moaning about power failures but myself and a couple of neighbours seem to be the only ones unaffected by this crisis.

Last night I watched a Arsenal beat Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernebau without any seems like those with their hands on the power switch are Gooners because there was no way in hell I was going to miss this vital clash.

Amidst all the sex on the weekend I'm thinking of another girl, thing is that she's a colleague...can't help myself though because those tits looks awesome when they're being given a lift by the miracle that is the Wonderbra.

Hopefully I can bang her this weekend when we're going out. I need some more pussy.
I'm trying to clear my mind of Carissa, it's good that she's gone because I felt like being suffocated on the weekend.


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