Saturday, February 04, 2006

Look who got his knickers in a knot over some cartoons

Although I've been following the controversy around the Muhammad cartoons which seems to have everyone and his mother talking about the freedom of speech since late last year when I first read about it. Since then what should have been a minor blip on the news radar has been allowed to rage for months and was further inflamed when several European newspaper published the controversial cartoons this week...why they published it is everyone's guess, me thinks they used freedom of expression to hide behind a veil of hatred. It's a well-known fact that for many Muslims immigrants adapting to life in Europe has been anything but smooth sailing...I wonder what will happen to me if tommorow, due to some war in my country I end up in Saudi Arabia. Would I be allowed to start a prayer group for refugees? I doubt it, chances are that I'll be persecuted from here to enternity for challenging Islam.
If anyone tells me Islam is the religion of peace I might just be tempted to sue them because what happens in practice is quite the opposite.


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