Friday, August 13, 2004

Feeling much better.

Ok, yesterday I felt like a pile of shit was dropped on my head. Today, the 13th, I'm feeling much better- well it actually started last night when I had a brief conversation with the girl I was eyein...I spotted her reading the bible and knew that I could never date her- hell would have to freeze over before I dated a bible puncher.

I also discovered a good blog, even know I don't care for the writer but his voice needs to be heard even if he's a neo-colonialist with the zeal of a Christian missionary. Check it, it sure is interesting reading.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I'm pissed off

Got depressed last night over several things, first off while watching an episode of Sex and the City, the girl I was trying to hook-up with let it out that she had a boyfriend. I didn't ask her, she just let it out...I'll have to confirm this but so far it doesn't look too good. Then I felt pathetic about being lonely, I'm really lonely but wouldn't consider myself desperate yet! I had to scratch her off my list of possible girlfriends. Meeting women is so damn difficult when you're working and don't have much of a social circle- I can only hang around hiphop loving journalists.

I just feel that I'm not in control of things and its pissing me off.Ok, there's my early morning rant.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I need to come clean...

I dont have the pics to prove it but lately I've not been cleaning up after myself...leaving the bachelor in disarray( dirty laundry all over the place). Ok so what I'll do this weekend( the weather is gonna be shitty) is do a Spring clean even though we're still experiencing winter. Besides, I can't go anywhere because I aint got much cash to spend, what better to do than clean up.

Went to this show where Max Normal was performing and wasn't stage presence.

Dj Vadim was nice but nothing out of this world...seen one, seen them all.

Time to post...

Nothing much has been happening besides this and that. I'm still hustling.