Saturday, November 05, 2005

Things that's bothering me of late

For one, the riots in Paris have upset me even though it's thousands of kilometres away in another continent. I haven't watched much television news owing to the fact that I'm busy and I've been following the events on the internet and newspapers. The precedent this will set is pretty scary for any peace-loving human.
France is to blame for allowing this situation to manifest itself to a point where rioters set a bus passenger alight. They also need to take the blame for not intergrating immigrant communities into society...Zindane winning the World Cup for Frnace merely covered the cracks...lots of work needs to he done to make intergrate immigrant youth into society, a society that seems scared to share, scared perhaps for the unknown that is Islam at a time when Al-Qaeda has declared all out war against everything that's not Muslim- at least there version of Islam.