Friday, September 03, 2004

It's Friday- the week in review!

My first couple of days back at the newspaper was aight albeit a bit slow, well not quite but yesterday I worked on a story for almost the whole day and got pissed off this morning when I saw the newspaper. Motherfuckers had edited my story down to something like 380 words, well I wrote well in excess of 450 words...lots of phone calls, and hassles from the newsdesk only for my story to be trimmed down...that was fuckin disheartening but I'll soldier on.

Decided against moving into a new apartment, with the deposit and everything I'll be seriously coming up short this month.

Other than that nothing of significance has happened this week beside seeing the expression of shock on the face of my ex boss when I old him I won't be working for the magazine no more....damn, how can you expect workers to stay loya when you're paying them peanuts?

Monday, August 30, 2004

Hazy, lazy days of summer...

Went to the beach yesterday...we're experiencing the last days of "winter" and its feeling good, ok for people who don't know, Cape Town must have the mildest winter for a region that is not subtropic...truly awesome, pity about the cold Atlantic ocean, else I would've taken a dip in the sea.

Got there at around twelve and stayed right after 4pm...saw this girl on the beach that looked like she came straight off the set of one of those R Kelly videos- she had thighs that could kill a man but in a nice way:-).

Came back home, listened to the Harry Connick Jr CD, chilled and went out later in the evening and bought another book( will be a doing a lot of reading this month!)