Friday, February 24, 2006

The stupidest crime

I don't usually blog about crime as we've got enough going on in South Africa but this crime though is crazy, crazy because apparently David Best, an East London man paid someone to "stage a hijacking and shoot his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach this killing her baby".

I don't know what's happening in South Africa but it seems there is a trend amongst the well-off to take advantage of the crime in this countr for their own benefit.

Check the story here

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I feel left out

I feel like an outcast. Everyone in Cape Town has been bitching and moaning about power failures but myself and a couple of neighbours seem to be the only ones unaffected by this crisis.

Last night I watched a Arsenal beat Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernebau without any seems like those with their hands on the power switch are Gooners because there was no way in hell I was going to miss this vital clash.

Amidst all the sex on the weekend I'm thinking of another girl, thing is that she's a colleague...can't help myself though because those tits looks awesome when they're being given a lift by the miracle that is the Wonderbra.

Hopefully I can bang her this weekend when we're going out. I need some more pussy.
I'm trying to clear my mind of Carissa, it's good that she's gone because I felt like being suffocated on the weekend.

Monday, February 20, 2006

My craziest weekend ever...

I don't think I've ever had so much sex in such a short period of time...from Friday right until today...we screwed like a couple of rabbits...thankfully she's gone now and my dick can take a break from all that action.